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Welcome to the New York Technical Center


As one of the largest manufacturers of Consumer hair care products in the United States, we are in constant need of consumers for our Technical Center. Testing requires us to evaluate products that are currently under development. Our procedures are different than what you normally experience in salons.


For haircare and styling, salon technicians, marketing personnel and chemists will be evaluating the performance of a product on wet and dry hair. For haircolor testing, salon technicians, chemists and marketing personnel will be evaluating new haircolor shades for depth and tone including performance. At the Technical Center, it will take much longer to perform a service than a normal salon would. Your cooperation and patience is greatly appreciated. Please anticipate staying at this facility for up to hours for a haircolor service, hours for styling service.

Today you will experience the initial consultation. It will provide us with your hair history, visual hair analysis (configuration of hair, condition, length, etc.) and determine if you’re hair type and condition is suitable for the products currently in development. Please tell us all you can about your hair history and provide as much information as possible. This information is crucial and will have a definite effect on the final condition/color of your hair. You will also be given an allergy/patch test, and be asked to call us 24hours later and give your results.

If you qualify, and your patch test results show no allergy, we will then be able to book a future appointment. You must be available for up to hours for a haircolor test, hours for a styling test. Please be prepared to spend the time necessary for us to conduct the test. There may be occasions that this process may take longer than expected.

We cannot determine how long you will be able to participate in the program. It will be based on our testing priorities and your consistent adherence to our guidelines. You may not always meet the test criteria and therefore may not be the proper candidate.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to participate in our pre-screening and for your interest in the New York Technical Center.


We have some basic guidelines to insure both your comfort and our testing needs.

  • I must have a valid skin allergy test in order to participate in haircolor tests.
    • Skin Allergy Tests are required in order to be eligible for color services. These tests are done to determine if you are allergic or sensitive to haircolor and must be done even if you have had previous haircolor at another location. If you experience a reaction within 48 hours, it is your responsibility to communicate this to us. If you have not had color for six months, another allergy test will be performed before you may participate in color testing. If you have had any form of tattoo, regular or permanent make-up, since your last color appointment, you should have a new allergy test prior to your color service. Skin Allergy tests are a mandatory company policy and cannot be waived under any circumstance.
  • Certain hair length requirements apply to specific tests. We suggest hair length is maintained no shorter than 3” but no longer than mid back length. Hair that is not maintained within these parameters will not be eligible for routine bookings. We will reach out as testing protocols allow.
  • Specific technicians may not be requested.
  • It may take longer to perform a service than it would in a salon. I will allow myself a minimum of 3 hours for a color appointment, 1½ hours for a styling appointment, and 3 hours or more for a perm or relaxer. I will be prepared when booking an appointment to spend the length of time necessary for the test to be conducted.
  • I will not be able to pick my exact color shade but my technician will try to keep me in the shade family with which I am comfortable.
  • One or more hair colors may be placed in a small area at the nape or the back of my head.
  • Appointments are booked according to testing needs and priorities. I may not always meet the test criteria and therefore may not be a suitable candidate.
  • Due to time constraints, I may not get a personal style after my haircolor service and I may need to blow dry my own hair.
  • My hair must be relatively clean to receive haircolor or styling. I must shampoo my hair no longer than 24 hours before any service. For relaxers, I will not shampoo my hair 2 – 3 days prior to my service. I understand that my appointment may be rescheduled due to improperly cleansed hair or the use of heavy styling products or the presence of any color pencils/crayons on my hair.
  • Hair color appointments must be spaced out no shorter than 5 weeks.
  • If I arrive up to 15 minutes late I know that my service may be delayed or cancelled and my appointment may last longer than scheduled. If I am consistently late for appointments, regularly cancel or do not show up, I will be removed from the program.
  • After consistent no-show, cancellation without 24-hour advance notice or consistent late arrivals will result in me being taken out of the testing database list and I will no longer be able to come for appointments.
  • Refrain from eating/drinking and talking on my cell phone during my appointment.
  • NYTS does not perform “re-dos”, but will gladly try to make adjustments at my next appointment.
  • Special tests such as highlights and lowlights are offered only when such tests are needed a few times a year and are invite-only according to what specific hair profile is required.
  • I understand that the New York Technical Salon reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.